Shell Scripting 101
We've talked about Linux and some basic bash commands in the past. But sometimes the job of a system administrator is lengthy and repetitive. This is where shell scripts come in really handy. Shell scripts is a program that includes a sequence of shell commands. Conceptually, shell scripts seem to look like programming, it actually an automated execution of other programs, and is meant to be run on the Linux kernel (Batch files for Windows).
P/S: Since this is just a basic overview of shell scripting, each of the following topics will not have an in-depth explanation, but only a walkthrough.
Hello, World!
Let's take a look at an easy example of a shell script.
echo "Who are you?"
read NAME
echo "Welcome, $NAME"
The first line is the shebang interpreter directive. This indicates the OS to load the bash interpreter that is located inside the /bin
directory and runs the script as bash commands.
Next, we'll be using a couple of built-in bash commands:
: prompts user for inputecho
: prints string output
The third line the echo
command is called to print out the string "Who are you?" to the CLI. It seems like the program is stuck here, this is because the read
command is waiting for a user input. So, if I enter D3LT4
, it will pass it to the NAME
variable. Finally, it will print out Welcome, D3LT4
There you have your first bash script. Is it too easy? Let's go a little deeper.
Guess the Number (Easy)
Let's write a simple number guessing game with bash. Don't panic yet, as longs as you know the rules and logic of the game, you could write it easily.
function game(){
if (($NUM < $ANS)); then
echo "$NUM is smaller than the answer"
elif (($NUM > $ANS)); then
echo "$NUM is larger than the answer"
elif (($NUM == $ANS)); then
echo "You've got it!"
else; then
echo "C'mon, be serious..."
while $LOSE; do
echo "Please guess a number from 1 to 50"
read NUM
game $NUM $ANS $LOSE
We've mentioned about variables in the previous example. But what's a variable? A variable is a data that has a name (identifier) and value. Values could either be a number, strings, boolean (true
or false
) or an array etc. In bash, variable names are case-sensitive, capitalized by convention and should not start with a digit. As shown in line 3 and 4, we assign variables through the equal (=
) sign, quotes ("
, '
) are used for declaring strings (more on that in future posts). Note that putting <spaces>
beside the equal sign will cause errors. When calling a variable, we add a dollar ($
) sign before the variable name.
So, first of, we assigned the ANS
to be a number (34
) and the LOSE
a boolean (true
), the boolean is used to identify if the user has guessed our number correctly.
Next, we declare the logic of our game with a function. Functions are basically a set of commands that could run when being called. Here the function is declared explicitly, it could also be declared implicitly game()
. Some conventions recommend to add an underscore before declare functions. The content of the function is written within the { }
brackets, and indented for better readability.
Conditional Statements
Inside the game()
function is a if-else conditional statement. Basically, if the statement is true
, it will run the following chunk of code below it; or else, it will not run until it finds an acceptable statement. So now to the logic our game:
the given $NUM
is smaller than the $ANS
it will prompt the user that the $NUM is smaller than the answer
or else
, if
the given $NUM
is larger than the $ANS
it will prompt the user that the $NUM is larger than the answer
or else
, if
the given $NUM
is equal to (==
) $ANS
it will indicate the user has won, and set the $LOSE
boolean to be false;
or else
, if
the user inserts something else,
it will prompt the user to enter something that is meaningful.
indicates the end of the if-else conditional statement.
A function will not run unless it is being called, and we haven't call our game()
function yet. Now, the our game ends when the user has won ($LOSE==false
). So, we call a while loop. This loop will run indefinitely when the condition is true
and only ends if it's condition becomes false
. So
the user is $LOSE
-ing, do the following:
it will prompt the user to insert a number from 1 to 50,
the OS then assigns the input of the user to the variable $NUM
and now passes the variables $NUM
into the game()
indicates the end of the while loop.
There, a simple game written in bash. But could we make it a little bit harder?
Guess the Number (Hard)
ANS=34 # This is the answer
CHANCES=3 # No. of Chances
function game(){
if (($NUM!=$ANS))&&(($ATT<3)); then if (($num < $ans)); echo "$num is smaller than the answer" elif> $ANS));then
echo "$NUM is larger than the answer"
elif (($NUM == $ANS)); then
echo "You've got it!"
elif (($NUM!=$ANS))&&(($ATT==3)); then
echo "You've lost QQ"
else; then
echo "C'mon, be serious..."
for((ATT=1; ATT<=$chances; 1 att++)); do echo "attempt: $att" "please guess a number from to 50" read num game $num $ans $att done < code>
Here we have an advanced version of our game. The user is limited to only three attempts to answer our question. The logic of our game()
function now has a few changes.
Comments start with a hash (#
) sign, the code behind it is a comment, it would
be ignored by the program. Comments are used for explaining a line/chunk of
code. It is highly recommended for programmers to write comments so reduce the
burden of code readability.
We mentioned about conditions in statements and in loops. Logical and comparison
operators are basically used to determine if the conditions is either TRUE
(a.k.a boolean values). There are also increment/decrement operators, as
seen in line 23, there is a weird ATT++
at the end of the closed brackets. The
is an increment operator, it is basically a shorthand for x=x+1
. There is a
difference between ATT++
and ++ATT
, the former being a postfix, where the value is returned before increment; and latter being pre-fix, where the value is
returned after increment. Here's a small list of some basic operators:
Syntax | Meaning |
a+=b |
a=a+b |
a-=b |
a=a-b |
a*=b |
a=a*b |
a/=b |
a=a\b |
a%=b |
a=a%b (% computes the remainder after dividing a by b |
a++ |
a=a+1 (pre-increment) |
++a |
a=a+1 (post-increment) |
a-- |
a=a-1 (pre-decrement) |
--a |
a=a-1 (post-decrement) |
a&&b |
a AND b |
`a | |
!a |
NOT a |
a==b |
a IS EQUAL b |
a!=b |
If we want to limit the number of times the user could input, we could use a for loop. A for loop consist of three components: the iterator initialization, the condition, the afterthought. What we have here in our code at line 23, is the number of ATT
empts. While the number of ATT
empts is lower than CHANCES
, the chunk of code below will be run. And every time after the code has run, the number of ATT
empts will increase by 1. When the value of ATT
reaches 4, it would then break the loop.
This game might seem useless in terms of practical application, but there are some basic scripting/programming concepts that are used in all of programming languages. These programming syntax are also very helpful when you want to do tasks like creating users from a .csv
list, expire all users passwords etc. Learning these fundamental tools for automating these tasks would save a lot of time for an administrator.